From Village Hall Drama Classes to Nationwide Franchise

Leanne Jones, a professional actress and mother of two, founded Drama Tots in 2016 to offer fun and educational performing arts classes for babies and toddlers. What started as a small venture teaching a handful of children each week in a village hall has now grown into a thriving franchise with 15 branches across the UK and the British Isles.

Since adopting the ClassForKids booking and management software, Drama Tots has seen remarkable growth. Leanne’s income has increased by an impressive 192%, and her franchisees are thriving in all the locations where Drama Tots has expanded.

Turning Passion into Profit with the Right Booking System

Leanne’s inspiration for Drama Tots came from her experience attending various baby and toddler classes with her two sons. She noticed a gap in the market for classes that combined fun and education through performing arts. Determined to create a job that fit her passion and family life, she launched Drama Tots, offering the type of classes she wanted for her own children.

“I’ve been to lots of classes with my sons, and I really felt that there was a gap in the market for engaging and fun baby and toddler classes that educated through performing arts. So I decided to create my own business.”

What once started in a village hall and nursery soon turned into something much bigger; word of mouth from satisfied parents quickly spread, and within a year, demand had grown so much that Leanne knew it was time to franchise the business. To ensure this rapid expansion was sustainable, she partnered with ClassForKids, the franchise management software that would turn her dream into a success story.

The Booking and Management Software that Transformed Drama Tots

The decision to franchise Drama Tots brought new challenges, particularly in managing a growing network of branches while maintaining the quality that made Drama Tots so special. That’s when Leanne discovered ClassForKids, a franchise management software designed specifically for kids' activity providers.

“What I loved most about ClassForKids was just how intuitive and user-friendly it was for me, my franchisees and our customers. It’s so much more than a booking system; it does all our admin for us.”

Since adopting ClassForKids, Drama Tots has seen a 192% increase in revenue. With ClassForKids, Leanne could manage her rapidly growing business with ease, keeping track of everything from medical information to additional support needs and finances, all in one secure place.

“At the touch of a button, every franchisee and I can see the payments we’ve received and where they’ve come from, and that allows us to identify how much we’ve grown, the support that’s needed, and the opportunities for improvement in each area. The registers feature is brilliant from a safeguarding point of view. I have access to every child’s medical information, emergency contacts, and photo permissions. Everything I need is kept securely in one place.”

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Franchise Management Software Designed for Franchisee Success

One of the key benefits of ClassForKids is the autonomy it provides to franchisees, allowing them to manage their businesses confidently while Leanne maintains visibility over the entire operation.

“I’m able to support my franchisees by seeing what their registers are looking like and if their trials are converting.”

This oversight allows her to identify growth opportunities and offer support when needed. And for franchisees like Lauri Bradley, who runs a Drama Tots branch in Nottingham, ClassForKids has been invaluable.

“I’m not from a business background,” Lauri explains, “but ClassForKids makes running my business so easy. I can see all the information I need at the touch of a button, from financial reports to children’s allergies. It helps me stay organised and focus on growing my business.”

Lauri’s income has grown by 55% since joining Drama Tots and starting to use ClassForKids in late 2021. Today, she teaches over 100 children each week, while the entire franchise serves 1000s of babies and toddlers across the British Isles.

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Transforming Customer Experience with the ClassForKids Franchise Software

Parents also love how easy ClassForKids makes booking and paying for classes.

“It’s just so easy,” Leanne says. “Parents can book and pay in three clicks, and I can reach them with updates or information about upcoming terms and events at the touch of a button.”

Drama Tots recently launched a drama club provision running as after-school and lunchtime clubs at schools. ClassForKids continues to support their growth in this new area.

“Parents book their children through a link we send to schools, which takes them directly to our ClassForKids booking page. We receive all the information we need, and the schools appreciate not having to do the extra admin.”

With the government currently providing significant funding for wraparound care in the UK, ClassForKids is helping Drama Tots capitalise on this new opportunity by making the booking and payment process as simple as possible for both parents and schools.

ClassForKids Keeps Fuelling Business Growth

Leanne credits ClassForKids with much of Drama Tots’ success.

“ClassForKids has helped me so much with business growth. They’re a big part of what we offer and how we offer it.”

With ClassForKids, Drama Tots has expanded across the UK and the British Isles and created a network of empowered franchisees who can manage and grow their businesses with confidence.

Whether it’s increasing revenue, improving customer experience, or maintaining high standards across the franchise, ClassForKids has proven to be “a booking system worth its weight in gold”, as some of Leanne’s franchisees call it.

Whether you're looking to manage and grow your franchise with confidence or launch your franchise dream, our clickable demo guide is the perfect starting point. Choose the features that matter most to you and see how our franchise management software can help you achieve your business goals.

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ClassForKids is an Award-Winning Booking Software Designed for Kids’ Activity Clubs.

We support 3000+ clubs every day by bringing everything together from bookings and payments to register management so you can focus on your business and reach your goals.


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