Tips For Creating Long Lasting School-Club Links

Written by
Felicia Bugge
min read
Business Advice
Industry Experts

Linking up with schools: 5 things you need to know!

Hey there, kids activity providers! Are you ready to take your club to the next level by collaborating with schools and nurseries? If you already read our blog on [.pink__text]why you should team up with schools and nurseries,[.pink__text] you might be ready for the “how”. We've pulled together some amazing tips to help you rock this adventure and make a real difference in the lives of kids everywhere! Plus, if you'd like to learn more about this topic, why not give the [.pink__text]Approaching Schools podcast with Cerys Keneally a listen?[.pink__text] Are you ready for it? Let’s jump in.

[.green__text]1. Speak their Language[.green__text]

Picture this: you're talking to schools and nurseries, and they're nodding along, totally picking up what you’re laying down. How do you make it happen? Easy! Just sprinkle in some educational terminology, link your activities to the curriculum, and throw in some words from official government docs that schools hear on the daily. This will show them that you really know what you’re talking about! In the end, what schools really want is to feel understood. So show them that you get their struggles and that you have the solution! If you're speaking the same language, they'll be excited to join forces with you!

The Ultimate Planner for Your Kids' Club

We've got a ton of free resources you can access now to help improve the efficiency of your club.


[.green__text]5. Persistence Pays Off![.green__text]

If a school or nursery doesn't decide to work with you right away, don't fret! Show your perseverance and keep in touch with them. Send friendly reminders, share your latest adventures, and make sure they remember your amazing club! They'll appreciate your dedication and might just team up with you later on, when the time is right!

Ta-da! You're now equipped with the ultimate guide to forming epic alliances with schools and nurseries! So, go out there and spread your magic across the land. Speak their language, show them your uniqueness, and remember the power of thinking big for the long haul. With a brilliant action plan and a dose of unwavering persistence, you'll be flying high and making a real impact on kids' lives!

[.blue__text]Looking for bit more help? Become part of the ClassForKids team: book a demo today![.blue__text]

Felicia Bugge

Felicia is our resident Content Specialist. She is the mastermind behind most of our blogs, emails and Tiktoks! When she isn’t planning the next big email campaign or chasing participants for Tiktoks, she can be found travelling to new exotic places, reading the latest booktok book, or converting friends to using iPads for notes and calendars!