5 Steps to Create a Brand Community & See Customer Loyalty at Your Dance School

Written by
Felicia Bugge
min read
Business Advice

How to build a brand community and see customer loyalty

Establishing a strong sense of brand community within your dance school is a fantastic way to retain existing students and attract new ones. Consider your own brand loyalties - what makes you consistently choose certain brands? It's not just about the product; it's the brand and the community it represents that stands out. The same principle applies to your dance school!

In this blog, we're unravelling the steps you can take to develop a robust brand community within your dance school. This way, your students will keep coming back, recognizing the incredible value your school offers beyond just dance classes.

Step 1: How to get customer loyalty

To build a community, you’ll need to understand what your customers connect with. Identify why they choose your dance school over others. Explore shared values that create a sense of belonging. Define your goals and unique selling points to emotionally connect with your customers. Knowing what makes them invested allows you to tailor customer engagement strategies, creating super loyal customers who consistently choose your dance school.

Step 2: How to speak to your customers

Communication is key at your dance school! There are two crucial things you’ll need to do: Ensure you speak your customer’s language and keep it open and honest. Understand how your customers communicate - whether they prefer detailed information or a quick overview. Consider if your audience prefers more casual or more business-oriented language. Then, tailor your language to suit their preferences. Keep them updated on upcoming events, shows, special workshops or merch releases through newsletters or other platforms, fostering a sense of community where they feel valued and informed.

Step 3: How to build a community platform

Provide a dedicated space for your students and their parents, customised to their preferences. This could be a monthly newsletter with behind-the-scenes info or even a flyer, depending on what suits your customers. Consider creating online spaces like Facebook groups or WhatsApp chats for parents to engage with each other and with you. This builds a strong sense of community around your dance school and gives customers a dedicated community space, created just for them!

Step 4: How to make your customers feel special

Woo your customers by making them feel valued and special. You essentially want to let them know how important they are to you and your club. After all, your club wouldn’t run without them! So, what can you do to make your customers feel special? 

Offer loyalty rewards, such as exclusive discounts or offers that are only for customers. Just imagine the loyalty or rewards programs you’re part of: your loyalty to the brand earns you points which can then be used later on! It’s the same idea here: you simply want to reward your most loyal customers so they keep coming back to you.

You can also give customers early access to book their children into upcoming shows, camps, or give them early access to new brand merchandise releases. Similar to loyalty programs in other businesses, reward their commitment to your dance school and make booking with you extra convenient!

Implement referral programs to encourage existing customers to bring in friends and family, creating a cycle of brand loyalty. These are a great opportunity to utilise the power of positive reviews and testimonials. After all, research has established time and again that reviews and testimonials from our friends are a very strong factor when picking between brands! Running a referral program simply means that you offer your existing customers a discount or special offer in return for them bringing along or referring someone they know to your club. 

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Step 5: How to leverage customer feedback

Embrace feedback from your dance school community. At the end of the day, asking your community what they’d like to see more of is a sure fire way of making sure you’re offering just that! Conduct feedback surveys or use registration questions to gather insights on communication, club operations, and areas for improvement. Encourage testimonials, which not only serve as excellent website and social media content but also act as powerful endorsements for potential customers. Make it easy for parents to share their ideas, whether through electronic surveys or a physical "Suggestions Box" at the school. Ultimately, you want to make sure you understand what it is your customers are asking for and where there’s opportunities to expand or do things differently. 

And there you have it, dance school owners! These 5 steps will help you create a vibrant brand community and foster customer loyalty within your dance school. By implementing these strategies, your customers are sure to keep returning, feel valued, and be delighted with their dance experience!

[.blue__text]Building a brand community is easier together: Book in for a demo to find out why our system is beloved by hundreds of dance schools like yours![.blue__text]

Felicia Bugge

Felicia is our resident Content Specialist. She is the mastermind behind most of our blogs, emails and Tiktoks! When she isn’t planning the next big email campaign or chasing participants for Tiktoks, she can be found travelling to new exotic places, reading the latest booktok book, or converting friends to using iPads for notes and calendars!