Social Proof Your Performing Arts Club by Leveraging Customer Reviews

Written by
Felicia Bugge
min read
Business Advice

In the bustling world of kids' activities standing out is essential – but not always easy. You already know that your performing arts club is not just a space for kids to learn and grow; it's a hub of creativity, joy, and community. But in a sea of options, how do you make sure your club gets noticed? Enter social proofing – your secret weapon to shine a spotlight on the magic of your club and attract more pupils. In this guide, we'll explore the power of social proof and how you can harness it through customer reviews to elevate your performing arts club to new heights!

What is Social Proof?  

Okay, what is social proof? And why should you know about it? Social proof is the phenomenon where people look to others' actions and opinions to guide their own decisions. In simpler terms, it's the reassurance that comes from knowing others have had positive experiences. And why is it crucial for your performing arts club? Because in a competitive market, parents want to ensure they're making the right choice for their child's extracurricular activities. By showcasing glowing customer reviews and testimonials, you provide that reassurance, building trust and credibility for your club.

Imagine a parent browsing through your club's website, uncertain if it's the right fit for their budding performer. But then, they stumble upon heartfelt testimonials from other parents, praising your instructors, the welcoming atmosphere, and the positive impact on their child's confidence. Suddenly, their doubts dissolve, and they're eager to sign up. That's the power of social proof!

How Do You Establish Social Proof?

Social proof sounds awesome, right? But how can you build your social proof marketing strategy at your performing arts club? Let's dive into a few ways that you can cultivate it for your club.


[.pink__text]How to Gather Social Proof[.pink__text]


1. Customer Testimonials: Reach out to parents whose children have attended your classes and ask them to share their experiences. Highlight specific achievements or improvements their child has made thanks to your club to motivate positive feedback.


2. Surveys: Send out surveys after each term or performance to gather feedback. Use this feedback to improve your offerings and showcase the positive responses. You can send out surveys using the [.blue__text]community hub[.blue__text] you’ll already have built for your club, or include them in your newsletters or other communications with parents.

3. Incentives: Sometimes, parents might want a little something for the effort of putting in a good word about your club. Encourage customers to leave club reviews by offering incentives such as discounts on future classes or exclusive access to events.

4. Social Media: Your social media profile can often be the first touch point new parents have with your club. That’s why it’s important to share positive customer testimonials on there. Create a buzz on social media by sharing snippets of classes, behind-the-scenes moments, and success stories. Encourage parents to share their own experiences in comments or feedback sections on your social media profiles.  

5. Q&As: Host live Q&A sessions on social media where parents can ask questions and hear firsthand from satisfied customers. This shows that you’re open to feedback and that you’re actively listening to your customers which can help give your club more authenticity.

6. A Sense of Community: Foster a community where parents feel valued and eager to share their positive opinions. How can you do that? Host events, create parent groups, ensure your customer’s voices are being heard and celebrate milestones together.

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[.green__text]Where to Share Social Proof[.green__text]

Now that you know how to motivate your customers to share their testimonials about your performing arts club, let’s look at where you should share these for maximum effect.

1. On Your Website: Dedicate a section of your website to customer feedback and customer testimonials and make them easily accessible for visitors to see. This will make it super easy for parents to see why they should choose your club over a different one.


2. On Your Social Media: Social media is a great place to regularly share customer reviews. Create visually appealing graphics or videos to make them stand out, or have customers leave feedback posts on your profile.  


3. In Emails: Marketing emails from your club can be improved by sharing snippets of customer reviews. Try to include reviews specific to the topic you’re emailing about. For instance, if your email is about your upcoming summer camps, include a parent testimonial from last year’s camp!


4. On Flyers: Print customer quotes and club reviews on flyers or brochures to distribute at events, in local community centers or at your local schools. If the flyer is the first point of contact, a positive review from a fellow parent might just make any doubts from future customers fly out the window.  


And there you go, performing arts superstars! By strategically sharing customer reviews across multiple platforms, you amplify the social proof of your performing arts club, making it impossible for potential customers to ignore the positive buzz surrounding your offerings.

[.orange__text]Ready to start running your performing arts club with confidence? Book a free demo to see what ClassForKids can do for your club today![.orange__text]

Felicia Bugge

Felicia is our resident Content Specialist. She is the mastermind behind most of our blogs, emails and Tiktoks! When she isn’t planning the next big email campaign or chasing participants for Tiktoks, she can be found travelling to new exotic places, reading the latest booktok book, or converting friends to using iPads for notes and calendars!