Our Blackpool Cup 2024 Recap

Written by
Steven Young
min read
Inside ClassForKids

ClassForKids recently had the privilege of sponsoring the 2024 Blackpool cup: an internationally recognised youth football tournament held annually in Blackpool, UK, that attracts 400+ youth football teams from various countries each year. Steven Young, our Events and Production Manager, experienced first-hand what it was like to put on such a monumental event for young athletes, so we asked him some questions about his experience with the ClassForKids X Blackpool Cup 2024 collaboration. Read on to learn more about what it takes to put on such a large event in football, and some takeaways you’ll be able to use in your own football business!

Steven, can you tell the readers a little bit about you and your role in ClassForKids?

Sure! As the Events and Production Manager at ClassForKids, I oversee our event attendance, organise our own events, and manage the production studio. This role provides me with a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to make events successful, ensuring that our brand gains maximum visibility and engagement.

What is the Blackpool Cup?

The Blackpool Cup was first run in 1994 In Blackpool in England. It’s a football tournament for youth football clubs and academies that sees over 400 teams from all over the world compete for the coveted Blackpool Cup Trophy. The tournament provides an opportunity for young athletes to showcase their talents, develop their skills, and enjoy a unique cultural exchange. It provides young athletes with a platform to compete at a high level, learn from their peers, and gain invaluable experience. The tournament also fosters a sense of community among participants, encouraging teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship. Since starting out, the tournament has seen steady growth in popularity which has made it one of the premier youth football events in Europe.

Why was ClassForKids and Blackpool Cup such a great fit?

ClassForKids and the Blackpool Cup have formed a strategic partnership that leverages our strengths to enhance the tournament experience. Our collaboration is built on a shared commitment to youth development and community engagement. That’s why the partnership is such a natural fit: both Blackpool Cup and ClassForKids are organisations that prioritise the development of young people through sports.  

ClassForKids provides logistical support and promotional activities which helps increase awareness of the Blackpool Cup and allows the tournament to be an ongoing event. In turn, the Cup becomes a great place to showcase what ClassForKids can do for youth football clubs all over Europe.  

The logistics of such a huge event must have been complex. Can you speak a little bit about that?

One of the first things we learned from sponsoring the Blackpool Cup is the sheer scale of logistics required to manage an event of this magnitude. Coordinating over 400 football teams and ensuring a seamless experience for all participants demands meticulous planning and execution. From organising transportation and accommodation to setting up match schedules and handling emergency contingencies, the logistics are complex and require a dedicated team.  

So what were the benefits for ClassForKids in sponsoring the Blackpool Cup 2024?

Sponsoring the Blackpool Cup has provided ClassForKids with several tangible benefits. Firstly, brand awareness has significantly increased. Our presence at such a high-profile event has allowed us to reach a broader audience, including potential customers and partners! The visibility gained through banners, promotional materials, and interactive activities has strengthened our brand recognition. It meant that we were put in front of over 400 youth football teams that could all potentially be on the lookout for a great football booking and management system, like ClassForKids!


Moreover, the partnership has opened up new networking opportunities. Engaging with other sponsors, event organizers, and attendees has facilitated valuable connections that could lead to exciting future collaborations and business opportunities. This is also one of the main reasons that club owners in the kids’ activity sector should consider attending or hosting events.

Finally, supporting a community-centered event aligns closely with our corporate social responsibility goals, enhancing our brand's reputation as a socially conscious organisation. ClassForKids is always looking for opportunities to help communities through the powerful impact of children’s sports and activities.

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Sponsoring the Blackpool Cup has been an enriching experience for ClassForKids. We've gained insights into the complexities of managing large-scale events, witnessed the profound impact on young athletes, and reaped substantial benefits in terms of brand awareness and networking. Our partnership with the Blackpool Cup underscores our commitment to youth development and community engagement, values that are at the core of our mission.


As we look forward to future collaborations, we remain dedicated to supporting events that align with our vision of fostering growth and development in young people through sports and education. If you're interested in learning more about our initiatives or how we can collaborate, please reach out to us. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of young athletes and the communities we serve.

Steven Young