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Most Loved Features

Avoid the invoice chase! Get paid instantly.
Never chase payments again with our automated payment process that lets parents pay for classes instantly and securely.
Secure Payment Up-Front
Choose to confirm bookings on receipt of payment and you’ll have the confidence to treat each booking as a fully committed customer.
Monthly Subscriptions
Keep in financial control with subscriptions. This popular feature makes it affordable for parents and gives you a steady stream of income. Win-win!
Apple Pay & Google Pay
Stay ahead of payment behaviours with this hassle-free way for parents to pay for your classes. It’s quick, secure and the most utilised option for mobile users.
SMS Invoices
Need to remind some parents to pay? Send invoices with a direct payment link to them via SMS. It has a 100% open rate, guaranteed to be seen by all parents.

Key Features

Avoid the invoice chase! Get paid instantly.
Never chase payments again with our automated payment process that lets parents pay for classes instantly and securely.
Secure Payment Up-Front
Choose to confirm bookings on receipt of payment and you’ll have the confidence to treat each booking as a fully committed customer.
Monthly Subscriptions
Keep in financial control with subscriptions. This popular feature makes it affordable for parents and gives you a steady stream of income. Win-win!
Apple Pay & Google Pay
Stay ahead of payment behaviours with this hassle-free way for parents to pay for your classes. It’s quick, secure and the most utilised option for mobile users.
SMS Invoices
Need to remind some parents to pay? Send invoices with a direct payment link to them via SMS. It has a 100% open rate, guaranteed to be seen by all parents.

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